
Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways: Pros & Cons, Differences, Cost

When it comes to choosing the right material for your driveway, asphalt and concrete are the two most popular options. Each material has its own unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. (Asphalt vs Concrete)

In this article, we will explore the differences between asphalt and concrete driveways, helping you make an informed decision for your pavement project.


Pavement is a vital component of our modern infrastructure, providing us with roads, driveways, parking lots, and walkways. 

When choosing between asphalt and concrete for your paving needs, it is essential to understand the distinctions between these materials and how they will affect your project.

Understanding Asphalt Driveway

An asphalt driveway is made using a special kind of liquid called bitumen. Bitumen acts like glue to hold the driveway together. It’s also waterproof and keeps things sealed and insulated.

Bitumen comes from places called asphalt lakes or from oil sands. It’s a thick black liquid. 

People heat it up and mix it with tiny rocks and sand. Then, they use this mix to make roads, and driveways.

When making an asphalt driveway, first, the ground is made stable. Then, hot asphalt is poured and spread out evenly. It’s squished down with a big roller to make it smooth and flat.

The tiny rocks and sand in the asphalt are called aggregates. They work with the bitumen to make the driveway strong.

So, an asphalt driveway is a mix of bitumen, rocks, and sand. It’s tough and keeps our roads and driveways strong and sturdy.

Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways

Understanding Concrete

Concrete is a versatile building material. It’s made by mixing aggregates like sand and crushed stone with water and cement. 

What sets concrete apart from asphalt is that it uses cement as its binder, holding everything together.

Like asphalt, concrete can be used in various ways. It’s perfect for constructing roads, sidewalks, driveways, and even buildings like homes. 

Its adaptability makes it a vital component in construction projects.

Characteristics of Asphalt Driveways

Asphalt driveways offer several distinguishing features that make them a popular choice among homeowners. These include:

  • Smooth Surface: Asphalt driveways are seamless, which provides a very smooth ride for vehicles, reducing tire wear and improving overall driving comfort.
  • Flexibility: Asphalt is somewhat flexible, which allows it to adjust to temperature fluctuations and ground movement without breaking.

Pros and Cons of Asphalt Driveways

Just like any other material, asphalt driveways have both advantages and disadvantages.  

By considering both sides of the coin, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific requirements.


  1. Quick Installation: Compared to concrete driveways, the installation process for asphalt is typically quicker, allowing you to enjoy your new driveway sooner.
  2. Lower Initial Cost: Asphalt driveways are generally more affordable upfront, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners.
  3. Is recyclable: Asphalt is one of the most recycled materials on Earth. This makes asphalt a more environmentally friendly construction material than other options.
  4. Durable: With proper maintenance and regular sealing, asphalt can last up to 30 years.
  5. Low-maintenance: Asphalt driveway repair is simple: use Gator Patch for alligator cracks, rubber filler for larger cracks, cold patch or an infrared heater for potholes, and seal every 2-3 years. It’s DIY-friendly and cost-effective, unlike concrete.
  6. An asphalt driveway is usable after installation: Asphalt is a good choice for quick usability. You can walk on it right away, and it will be ready for light driving in just 3 days. If you live in a desert or tropical region, you should wait a bit longer. For parking, it is best to wait at least two weeks before parking your car on your new asphalt driveway.


  • Maintenance Requirements: Asphalt driveways require maintenance, including resealing every few years and patching any cracks or potholes that may develop over time.
  • Durability Concerns: While asphalt driveways are generally durable, heavy vehicles or extreme weather conditions can lead to premature wear and tear.
  • Asphalt design limited: When it comes to adding style to asphalt, choices are somewhat limited. You can stamp, paint, stencil it, or even use inlaid thermoplastic designs.
  • Scorching surface: Asphalt absorbs sunlight and can be 10 degrees hotter than concrete. This can cause burns to feet and paws, so it is best to avoid walking on asphalt during the midday hours in the summer.

Factors to Consider When Identifying an Asphalt Driveway

Before committing to an asphalt driveway, there are a few crucial factors to consider, ensuring the durability and suitability of your investment.

Climate and Weather Conditions

  • Freeze-Thaw Impact: In areas with harsh winters, the freeze-thaw cycle can damage asphalt driveways.  Proper maintenance and snow removal are essential in these areas to protect your driveway.
  • Asphalt’s Sensitivity to Temperature: Asphalt can soften under extremely high temperatures, leading to indentations or deformation caused by heavy vehicles or prolonged exposure to the sun.

Maintenance Commitment

  • Resealing and Patching: Regular resealing and patching help to keep your driveway in good condition and prevent the formation of larger cracks or potholes. The frequency of these tasks will depend on the amount of traffic and environmental factors in your area.

Characteristics of Concrete Driveways

Concrete driveways are attractive to homeowners looking for a durable and visually appealing option because of their unique qualities:

  • Strength and Durability: Concrete is renowned for its strength, making it an ideal choice for heavy traffic and areas prone to heavy loads.
  • Texture and Appearance: Concrete driveways can be finished with various textures, giving them a distinctive look that can complement the overall design of your home.

Concrete vs asphalt Driveways

Pros and Cons of Concrete Driveways

Like asphalt, concrete driveways have both advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before making a decision.


  • Lifespan: With proper maintenance, concrete driveways have the potential to last for several decades, offering a long-term investment with minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Design Versatility: Concrete driveways can be made more unique and personalized by adding decorative finishes, which homeowners can use to create a look that reflects their style.
  • Easy driveway care: Concrete driveways are low-maintenance. Sweep to remove dirt, leaves, and dust.  Use soap and water for tougher stains. Pressure wash for moss.
  • Summertime cool: Concrete driveways are cooler than asphalt, but can still get very hot during the middle of the day.  To prevent burns, choose the right footwear and avoid walking your pets on them during this time.
  • Easy winter care: Concrete is strong, but winter can damage it.  To keep concrete driveways and lots in good condition during the winter, seal them every few years, clear snow regularly, and avoid using de-icing salts.


  • Initial Cost: Concrete driveways are typically more expensive to install than asphalt driveways, requiring a larger initial investment.
  • Cracking Potential: Even though concrete is a sturdy material, it can develop cracks over time, especially in areas with extreme temperature changes.
  • Concrete takes time: Freshly laid concrete requires more time to set before it can be used. Concrete driveways should be allowed to cure for at least 48 hours before walking on them, and for at least 7 days before driving on them.

Distinguishing Between Asphalt and Concrete Driveways

While concrete and asphalt driveways have some similarities, they also have notable differences in their composition, cost, maintenance, lifespan, appearance, and suitability for different climates. 

Understanding these differences can help homeowners make informed decisions when choosing the right material for their driveways.

Comparing Asphalt and Concrete Driveways

Comparing the differences between asphalt and concrete driveways can help us evaluate their cost, maintenance, lifespan, and appearance.

Cost Comparison: Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways

When considering the costs of both materials, it’s essential to evaluate both the initial investment and the long-term financial implications.

Initial Costs

  • Asphalt driveways are an affordable option, costing between $3 and $6 per square foot, thanks to their efficient use of materials and quick installation.
  • Concrete driveways, which cost between $4 and $14 per square foot, require a larger initial investment due to materials and labor.

Long-Term Financial Implications

  • While asphalt has lower initial costs, concrete driveways shine in the long run. 
  • Concrete’s extended lifespan of 50+ years and reduced maintenance needs make it a cost-effective choice.
  • Despite the initial expense, concrete’s durability and low upkeep contribute to lasting financial benefits.

If you’re curious about estimating the exact amount of asphalt required for your project, you can use our free asphalt calculator.

Maintenance and Repairs: Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways

Both asphalt and concrete driveways require some level of maintenance to preserve their appearance and structural integrity.

Asphalt Maintenance: Resealing and Patching

  • Just like concrete, asphalt driveways need regular maintenance to ensure their long-term durability.
  • Resealing every three to five years protects asphalt from the elements, while periodic patching of cracks and potholes prevents it from deteriorating over time.

Concrete Maintenance: Sealing and Cracks

  • Although concrete driveways need to be sealed less often than other types of driveways, they still benefit from the protective barrier that a sealant provides against staining and abrasion.
  • It is important to regularly inspect your driveway for cracks and to take swift action to repair them if they appear, in order to prevent them from getting bigger and damaging your driveway.

Lifespan and Durability: Asphalt vs. Concrete Driveways

The lifespan and durability of a driveway play a significant role in the long-term investment and maintenance requirements.

Asphalt Lifespan and Wear

  • The lifespan and durability of a driveway are crucial in determining its long-term value and maintenance needs. 
  • With proper maintenance, an asphalt driveway can last for about 15 to 20 years.
  • However, factors such as heavy traffic and severe weather can accelerate wear and potentially reduce its overall lifespan.

Concrete Lifespan and Structural Integrity

  • Concrete driveways can last for decades if properly maintained. 
  • However, it is important to note that concrete driveways may crack over time due to environmental factors and the weight of heavy objects.

Aesthetics and Design Options

The visual appeal and design options available with each material can greatly influence your choice.

Asphalt: Limited Aesthetic Choices

  • Asphalt driveways offer a limited range of aesthetic choices since they are typically dark in color and have a uniform appearance. However, some decorative asphalt options are available.

Concrete: Decorative Options

  • Concrete driveways can be customized with various finishes, textures, and colors, allowing homeowners to match their personal style or the overall design of their property.

asphalt and concrete differences

Climate and Weather Considerations: Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways

It’s essential to consider how both asphalt and concrete driveways react to various climate and weather elements before making your choice.

Effects of Freeze-Thaw on Concrete

  • In colder climates, the repeated freezing and thawing of concrete driveways can cause cracks over time. Proper maintenance and sealing can effectively reduce the impact of this issue.

Temperature Sensitivity of Asphalt

  • Asphalt driveways in hot areas may become more flexible, which could lead to deformations or impressions caused by the weight of vehicles or extended sun exposure.

Asphalt vs. Concrete Driveway: How to Tell the Difference

It is easy to tell the difference between an asphalt and a concrete driveway. Asphalt is a distinct black or dark gray color, while concrete is medium or light gray.

Additionally, asphalt has a rougher surface, while concrete has a smoother texture (except for exposed aggregate driveways). 

Concrete driveways have smooth edges, while asphalt tends to have rough ones.

Adding Color and Business Opportunities

Adding color to driveways has become a popular trend, and both asphalt and concrete offer possibilities in this regard.

Can Color Be Added to Asphalt Driveways?

Yes, it is possible to have a colored asphalt driveway. Colored asphalt driveways can add an interesting aesthetic element to residential and commercial properties. 

However, it is important to note that colored asphalt may require additional maintenance and may fade over time.

Business Opportunities Associated with Asphalt and Concrete Materials

The demand for professionals who can install and maintain driveways presents excellent business opportunities. In addition, offering decorative concrete solutions can provide unique services in the market.

Making the Decision

Now that you have carefully considered the information presented, it is time to decide which material is the best fit for your specific pavement project.

Which Material is Better for Your Pavement Project?

To choose between an asphalt or concrete driveway, you should consider your needs and preferences, such as budget, climate, maintenance commitment, and desired aesthetics.

Conclusion: Asphalt vs Concrete Driveways

To conclude, both asphalt and concrete driveways have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to assess your needs and consult with professionals to make the best decision for your specific project.

No matter which type of driveway you choose, it is important to understand the differences and key factors that affect their performance and longevity.

Consider the pros and cons, costs, maintenance, and aesthetics before improving your property. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should you apply a sealer to a concrete driveway?

Concrete driveways should be sealed every 2-5 years, depending on the type of sealer used, the climate, and the amount of wear and tear the driveway receives.

How often should you apply a sealer to a concrete driveway?

Concrete patios should be sealed every 1-3 years, depending on the same factors as concrete driveways.

Can you seal coat asphalt?

Yes, you can seal-coat asphalt. Asphalt sealers can help protect asphalt from the elements, such as rain, snow, and sunlight. They can also help prevent fading and cracking.

Can you seal coat concrete?

Yes, you can seal-coat concrete. Concrete sealers can help protect concrete from staining, pitting, and other damage caused by the elements. 

Which is more expensive, asphalt or concrete driveway?

The cost of an asphalt driveway typically ranges from $2 to $4 per square foot, while the cost of A concrete driveway typically ranges from $4 to $6 per square foot.

Is concrete or asphalt better for snow?

Concrete is better for snow than asphalt. Concrete is a denser material than asphalt, so it doesn’t absorb as much heat from the sun.

Is it cheaper to concrete or paving?

The cost of a concrete driveway ranges from $4 to $6 per square foot, while the cost of an asphalt driveway ranges from $2 to $4 per square foot.

What is the best type of driveway?

The best type of driveway depends on your needs and budget. Concrete is durable and long-lasting, but asphalt is less expensive and easier to repair.

Why do they use asphalt instead of concrete?

Asphalt is used instead of concrete because it is less expensive, easier to repair, and more flexible.

Is concrete or asphalt better for a driveway?

Concrete driveways are generally more durable than asphalt driveways.

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